“Wet flies represent . . . the transitional stages of the same insects you would match at an earlier stage with a nymph, a
FLYMPH or at a later stage with a dry fly.” This is when most aquatic insects are eaten by trout.
Caddis fly: an example
“In the larval stage, it lives on the bottom. . . You imitate it with a nymph. In the adult stage, the caddis floats on the surface briefly, and you imitate it with a dry fly.” The hidden stages of the caddis life cycle are represented by Wet Flies and Streamers. “Larval caddis, when they reach full growth . . . transform into pupae. When ready for emergence these pupae escape from the case or shelter and swim to the top, where the adult quickly pops free and flies away. Trout take more pupae than they do adults during an emergence.” (A hatch)
“The second hidden stage of the caddis is the adult itself. The majority of stream species dive beneath the surface, swim to the bottom, and lay their eggs there. Most caddis adults that are eaten by trout are taken during that hidden swim to the bottom.”
(Quotes from
Essential Trout Flies, by Dave Hughes, published by Stackpole Books, p. 71. Used with permission from Stackpole Books.)
Dark Partridge and Yellow |
Hackled Silver red Tail |
Partridge and Green |
Partridge and Peacock |
Partridge and Red |
Partridge and Yellow |
Silver Spider |
Soft Hackled Pheasant Tail |
Soft Purple and Black |